On the 22nd November and 10th December are two Scenario Workshops with the Topic “ Our food systems’ framework in the year 2040” as part of the Work Package 2.
The aim is to develop different scenarios dealing with possible food systems in the year 2040. Participants come from the fields of science, civil society, politics and economy. Diversity in participants should lead to different perspectives as well as connections between them.
We examine how major, societal trends that are of particular importance for our food system may develop over the next 20 years. Based on various assumptions, we then create qualitative scenarios that describe different, possible framework conditions for our food system and discuss possible consequences, opportunities and risks for value chains and innovations.
Key factors are identified gradually, possible manifestations are discussed and, based on this, plausible scenarios are generated. Each scenario paints a different picture of a possible food systems environment.
The results of the workshops will be used for scientific publications and for analyzing and modeling the dynamics of food systems.
Further Information
For further Information or Questions please contact Dr. Valentin Fiala.